To ensure a positive and productive experience for both seekers and experts on Kelunga, all seekers are expected to adhere to the following guidelines and code of conduct:
1. Respectful Communication
- Be Polite: Always communicate with experts in a respectful and professional manner.
- Clear Communication: Provide clear and concise information about your requirements and expectations.
2. Accurate Information
- Honest Representation: Provide accurate and truthful information about your needs and expectations.
- Complete Details: Ensure all necessary details are provided when booking a service to avoid misunderstandings.
3. Punctuality
- On-Time Attendance: Join scheduled sessions on time to respect the expert’s time and schedule.
- Notify in Advance: If you need to reschedule or cancel a session, inform the expert as soon as possible.
4. Payment and Fees
- Timely Payments: Ensure payments are made promptly to confirm bookings.
- Understand Pricing: Review the service pricing and details before booking to avoid disputes.
5. Feedback and Reviews
- Constructive Feedback: Provide honest and constructive feedback to help experts improve their services.
- Respectful Reviews: Write reviews that are fair and based on your actual experience.
6. Confidentiality
- Respect Privacy: Do not share personal or confidential information of experts without their consent.
- Data Protection: Ensure any sensitive information shared during sessions is handled securely.
7. Compliance with Policies
- Follow Terms of Service: Adhere to Kelunga’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, and cancellation policy.
- Report Issues: If you encounter any issues or inappropriate behavior, report it to Kelunga support immediately.
8. Professionalism
- Avoid Harassment: Do not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior.
- Respect Boundaries: Respect the expert’s boundaries and professional limits.
Key Notes for Seekers
- Stay Informed: Regularly review Kelunga’s policies and guidelines to stay updated.
- Seek Assistance: If you have any questions or need help, contact Kelunga support through the Support Portal.